Para los Niños e.v.


A way to support the relatedness while cooking together. For experiencing a stimulating activity easy to remember and for having fun


Growing spatial Distance caused by globalisation. We keep contact by phone, messenger or social networks. These digital medias don't connect in a meaningful, emotional way. Need for wellbeing is not satisfied

Designed Product

An iterative Designprocess

Empathize & Interview

The challenge is to empathize with an other culture and the focus on two target groups: future donators and members/future members. I interviewed the press secretary of the association. 

  • what are the aims of the association, what is the activity field of the association, which is the content they share, what impression is desired, what are the most actualised infos, what does the info contain

Main Insights:

  • compressed aims: clarity/transparency and responsibility/fascination
  • information should focus mostly on future donators

Color definition

  • Built in Photoshop & Illustrator

  • utilized to collect first impressions

  • created a feeling of stability but inflexibility

  • the wireframe is in a block aesthetic: clear structure but solid character

more content will be uploaded soon...