PM - A concept for improved projectmanagement

This application concept supports the development of strategic routines and hands management knowledge leading to better decisions


knowledge and calculation tool to get an overview about risks and stakeholder and to dos


Many aspects influence the success of projects. It is hard to keep an overview about all of them. The less you have to protocol each day the more time you safe. The calculating software does the rest.


An iterative design thinking process

Empathize & Interview

This phase of my project consisted of interviews to find out about the basis of project management and all parameters which influence the processes of projects.

What does the processes look like? How long does the phases take? What is your role and which tasks do you work on specifically? Where and when is your colleague of the next process taking over? What did you experience during the phases? How was the mood during the various phases? Which one took most amount of time and which one the least time? What kind of matters did you observe during your work? Which task did you have to repeat more than one time? How did you encounter potential conflicts?

  • Interviewed participants: 8

Main Insights:

  • Timemanagement is biggest issue
  • Main processes are clear but beginning and ending not defined properly 
  • control and check of progress is very important
  • check in and check out of every task is key
  • need for overview about whole process and left time 

Requirement list

After the findings of the interview were summed up, they were transformed into requirements the product shall fulfil. 


  • support easy task and time tracking 
  • provide overview about projects and its tasks
  • offer alarms and reminders
  • propose risk analysis tools
  • hand information about future development 


  • support in stakeholdermanagement 
  • includes financial management tools to control cashflow 
  • offers calendar and insights via statistics 

Literature Research

It is good to know a project management strategy for own purposes, but it is better to know various strategies to maintain a broad, interdisciplinary solution.

Keywords: Projectmanagement in Agency’s, Strategie’s in construction industries, Communicationmanagement for Strategie’s, Human Ressource Management, Shift plan management, Analysis of Resources, Riskanalysis, Riskmanagement, Stakeholdermanagement, 

Main Insights:

  • Construction Industries work with high quality securing management due to laws and terms: terms are crystal clear defined!
  • building a shift plan is high risk: plan extra resources and time buffer  
  • Riskmanagement needs to be steady during the whole project – same as stakeholdermanagement
  • Tools of Risk- and Stakeholdermanagement are available 
  • Analysis of datas (need to be filled out by user) is possible with AI 


  • set main functions

  • create content grid

  • color variants

UI Design

The project in numbers

Creative files
Data sheets