Zwei Köche

a service to connect family and friends over spatial distance


A way to support the relatedness while cooking together. For experiencing a stimulating activity easy to remember and for having fun


Growing spatial Distance caused by globalisation. We keep contact by phone, messenger or social networks. These digital medias don't connect in a meaningful, emotional way. Need for wellbeing is not satisfied


An iterative design thinking process

Empathize & Interview

At the discovery phase of my project, I conducted user tests with interviews in order to get a better understanding of the activity: talking via skype and cook together.

  • How does it feel like to talk and cook? Where are problems to solve? How does the interaction with technology shape? What did the participants like/dislike? What do they like to change
  • Interviewed participants: 14

Main Insights:

  • natural gestures are possible
  • steadily talking about what they do, smell and taste
  • noises are a small problem
  • talking pauses are not inconvenient
  • advises for the user to install camera for better view
  • design the end of the call

User Roles & Requirements-list

I mapped out three User Roles and ranked requirements the service has to meet in order of importance and usability.

User Roles

  • The beginner (learns) & the experienced (teaches)
  • The two beginner (both learn)
  • The two experienced (same level)


  • Wireless headset connection is key
  • Check up on time: the less cooking experience the more time is needed -> individual pace editable
  • Missing cooking experience takes time to explain in a proper way (extra support by service)
  • Measurement of power, spiciness, gusto needs to be fixed beforehand

Paper Prototype

To understand how customers find and interact with the service I created an interactive prototype.


  • participant clicks the sub functions „Recipes“ and „Journal“ often
  • It felt like its disappearing or changing position
  • participant needed the home button on the top left
  • the question button is misunderstanding
  • main touchpoint is the home button
  • sub function buttons needed to be visible as often as possible

Function Tree

Mid fidelity Wireframes

  • Built in Photoshop & Illustrator
  • utilized to collect first impressions
  • created a feeling of stability but inflexibility
  • the wireframe is in a block aesthetic: clear structure but solid character


Aim was to get a quick overview about the impressions of diverse people.


  • the questions were held short with easy & fast options to answer (Checkboxes)
  • participants in total: 12
  • Color Palette got good reviews
  • pictograms needed to be redesigned
  • elements (footer) and function unclear

Click-Dummy & Remote User Study

First prototype that visualized the function tree and the interview insights. Participants got online access and filled out a survey.

  • built and shared via Adobe XD
  • participants in total: 5
  • Got overview for main used functions
  • shows detailed user-flow
  • pattern needed to be redone
  • positive feedback for icons

User Surveys

My design process consist of high fidelity wireframes and handpicked Survey-Methods and Tools. I iterate through many design options while utilizing: UNeeQ,, MeCue, VisaWi.

  • MeCue gave values to usability, connectedness, positive/negative emotions, user intentions, product loyalty
  • VisaWi gave insights about: simplicity, diversity, colourfulness, craftsmanship
  • Participants in total:164

UI Design

Once I tested out all usability mistakes and evaluated the results of the questionnaires I started designing the final screens in Adobe XD and designed the animation in Sketch.

  • visual style followed: fresh, light,
  • my inspiration was the walk through the underground stations
  • the platforms: Desktop and Tablet
  • the detail of unchecked buttons fill me with pride
  • my final design reflects my learnings about logical structure and repeated misguidance
  • this design helps to quickly jump into action or browse through the prepared medias

An iterative design thinking process

My review of the case

In total it was fun to examine the needs of the different user roles and implementing it to the concept was a task I experienced as an exciting form of discovery-journey.

  • My biggest fear was to left the older generation behind and design a difficult interaction
  • the iterative process and the diversity of participants left no space to design it too focused on young generation
more user
Cups of Tea